The Building Blocks of How Various Pollution Exclusions Can Operate

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Overview of Contractors Pollution Liability (CPL) Insurance   In conjunction with Building Safety Week, which is recognized from May 2nd to May 6th, 2023, this article series explores how various policy exclusions can operate within a commercial general liability or CGL policy, illustrates how other types of policies may respond, and identifies multiple claims examples... Read more »

Empowering Safety in Today’s Construction Projects

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Construction Safety Week, beginning on May 1st, 2023, and culminating on May 5th, 2023, provides an opportunity to facilitate a safety culture and empower those involved to continue utilizing mechanisms, such as insurance, to minimize risk exposure when possible. The theme for this year, “Strong Voices. Safe Choices.,” best embodies this message. The following claims... Read more »

National Agriculture Week

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The agricultural industry is a vital component of the global economy, and farmers face a range of risks, including weather conditions, pests, diseases, and market fluctuations. Insurance can help mitigate these risks, providing farmers with financial security and stability. Agricultural insurance is a type of insurance that covers agricultural production and helps protect farmers against... Read more »

Clean Cosmetics and PFAS: An Intersection of Competing Interests

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As consumers change and evolve so do the industries that serve them; the cosmetics industry is not alone in this constantly moving product cycle. The clean cosmetic industry is just one microcosm of this. Cosmetics manufacturers are adapting to consumer demand for products that contain fewer additives or can be marketed as “environmentally friendly.” The... Read more »

Analyzing Cyberspace’s Global Impact

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In connection with November’s International Fraud Awareness Week (November 13th-19th, 2022), this article addresses some of the common cyber pitfalls, and it also includes some of those cyber incident legislative responses initiated to help reduce such events from happening on an international scale. A Changing Workforce & Impacts on the Cyber World As noted by the... Read more »

Cybersecurity Awareness Month: An Overview

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When thinking of infrastructure, physical infrastructure of roads, bridges, tunnels, and highways comes to mind, but not necessarily cyber infrastructure that we also travel and rely on daily. Reliance on cyber infrastructure has become more pronounced during the pandemic with remote work environments.  In conjunction with October being Cybersecurity Awareness Month, this article touches on... Read more »

Contractors: Constructing the Right Policy and Examining Current Policy Exclusions

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With National Construction Appreciation Week (September 19-23) here, we’d like to take the time to highlight this essential industry and recognize the hard-working businesses that operate in a environment of risk.   Of all the financial risks inherent in the construction context, environmental and pollution risks can sometimes be overlooked, and may not be part of... Read more »


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Have any of your insureds asked you to comment on the coverage afforded and the cost-effectiveness of a Contractors Pollution Liability Policy for a specific project that covers some but not all of the parties engaged in construction activities… Providing coverage for some but not all of the parties involved in a construction project may... Read more »